Water Resources
Capturing and reusing water is vital to our communities
Water is one of the most precious resources on the planet and is the nexus of many efforts, including urban population sustainability, civil infrastructure development, environmental restoration, and long-term planning. Cycles of flood and drought, climate variability, eroding streams and shorelines, pollution, increased demand for limited supply, and stringent environmental and security regulations continue to increase the pressure on shared water resources.
CWE partners with clients to thoughtfully develop sustainable solutions that address the issues raised by regulatory complexities and competing interests for watershed management, flood control, coastal engineering, environmental restoration, and sedimentation. We help our clients with the planning, permitting, and implementation of water projects while minimizing impacts to the environment from conceptualization through construction.
We provide comprehensive and specialized hydrologic, hydraulic, sediment transport, stream restoration, flood control, water quality, and coastal analysis services. We have completed complex studies for municipalities, engineering firms, industry, water conservation districts, and local, state, and federal government agencies.
CWE’s stormwater expertise is built on decades of experience providing practical solutions to municipal, industrial, and development clients. We emphasize conceptualization and implementation of unique and advanced multipurpose project alternatives, while providing exceptional client satisfaction, which makes us a nationally-recognized stormwater and watershed management firm.
Backed by years of experience, we are committed to managing our clients’ water resources studies by utilizing comprehensive expertise that incorporates in-depth understanding of engineering and scientific principles, computer and statistical modeling, and scientific investigation processes. Our professionals include experts in hydrology, hydraulic analysis and design, river restoration, levee analysis, geomorphic analysis and sediment transport, fish passage, stormwater, surface water, and coastal analysis with significant experience performing detailed analyses for public works and environmental restoration and compliance projects.
Hydrology & hydraulic studies
Sediment transport & stream mechanics
Fish passage analysis & engineering
Floodplain management
FEMA flood insurance studies
Bridge hydraulics & scour analysis
Hydraulic computer modeling
Water resources planning
Flood control engineering
Retention/detention basin facility design
Stormwater management
Water quality assessments & studies
Watershed management plans
Water quality monitoring
BMP & LID planning & design
Regulatory compliance and support
Erosion control
Stream channel restoration
Engineered wetlands
Water quality master planning
SUSMP & WQMP development
Client Testimonials