City of San Fernando Regional Park Infiltration Design and CM

CWE provided design services for the City of San Fernando Regional Park to install an underground manufactured infiltration system underneath the existing park and replace the baseball field and irrigation system.  Six different alternatives were developed and evaluated to maximize benefits while reducing capital cost and ongoing life cycle cost.  The infiltration system serves a drainage area greater than 950 acres and recharge groundwater sources with 446 acre-feet of runoff annually.  CWE recommended upsizing the system and doubling the capture area (originally 400 acres) to maximize water quality benefits while remaining compliant with grant terms.  The system has a single storm capture capacity greater than 24 acre-feet.  Tasks included: utility and community coordination; developing a preliminary design report emphasizing a gravity system as the best alternative to meet City needs; performing environmental studies that meet California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements; obtaining Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) permits; providing topographical surveys; conducting a geotechnical investigation; developing a plan for landscape and irrigation improvements; preparing a hydrologic and hydraulic study; providing potholing services; preparing Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&Es); preparing an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manual for proposed structural stormwater BMPs, pretreatment devices, and stormwater infiltration system; providing bid support; and providing full service construction management, including but not limited to daily inspections, change order administration, cost estimates, scheduling, document control, and As-Built development.  Additional design services included 2,500 lineal feet of roadway reconstruction, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant ramps; 4,500 lineal feet of new storm drain used to maximize capture, and 6-inch sewer reconstruction.  This project was funded under the Proposition 1 Stormwater Grant Program

Project Tasks

  • Coordinate with utility companies and community members
  • Preliminary design report
  • Environmental studies
  • Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) permits
  • Topographical surveys
  • Geotechnical investigation
  • Landscape and irrigation improvement plans
  • Hydrologic and hydraulic study
  • Potholing services
  • Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&Es).
  • Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manual
    • Structural stormwater BMPs
    • Pretreatment devices
    • Stormwater infiltration system.
  • Bid and construction support
  • Full-service construction management
    • Daily inspections
    • Change order administration
    • Cost estimates
    • Scheduling
    • Document control
    • As-Builts
  • Design
    • 2,500 lineal feet of roadway reconstruction
    • 4,500 lineal feet of new storm drain to maximize capture
    • 6-inch sewer reconstruction
  • Project compliance with grant terms under the Prop 1 Stormwater Grant Program