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City of El Monte Garvey Avenue Grade Separation Drainage and Landscape Improvement

CWE improved drainage infrastructure in the City of El Monte by identifying and delineating tributary areas that contribute stormwater flow to the Garvey Avenue underpass.  The project involved upgrades to the existing drainage system, including installation of new catch basins, inlets, and storm drain pipes; improvements to the existing pump station diverting the stormwater to the storm drain system; and implementation of green infrastructure initiatives to retain, use, or infiltrate the collected stormwater runoff.  Tasks included preparing Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&Es); developing an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) plan; stakeholder outreach; technical evaluations; right-of-way acquisition; obtaining regulatory permits; and providing assistance with funding opportunities.  CWE cut project costs by over 50% by reducing a portion of the proposed storm drain alignment, and using the hydrograph to route flows to an adjacent storm drain, as capacity was available in the adjacent system.

CWE is continuing to enhance the Garvey Avenue corridor by providing landscape improvements.  This 140-acre, two-mile rehabilitation project site will provide major upgrades to several streets, including construction of landscape median islands, ADA-compliant curb ramp enhancements, repairs to damaged sidewalks, driveways, and curb and gutter, and the installation of new Class II bike lanes.  CWE is providing utility research and investigation, field survey, potholing, preliminary and final design street improvement plans, striping and signage plans, streetlighting plans, landscaping and irrigation enhancement plans that are consistent with the Ramona Boulevard median landscape improvements, monument signage, bike master plan, and wayfinding signs.  CWE is also providing design for the Class II bike path for the reach between Durfee Avenue and Valley Boulevard.

Project Tasks

Tasks for the first project (improved drainage infrastructure in El Monte):

  • Identify and delineate tributary areas
  • Upgrade existing drainage system
  • New catch basins, inlets, and storm drain pipes
  • Improve existing pump station
  • Green infrastructure initiatives
  • Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&Es)
  • Operations and Maintenance (O&M) plan
  • Stakeholder outreach
  • Technical evaluations
  • Acquire right-of-way
  • Obtain regulatory permits
  • Assistance with funding opportunities

Tasks for the second project (Garvey Avenue corridor landscape improvements):

  • Utility research and investigation
  • Field survey
  • Potholing
  • Preliminary and final design street improvement plans
  • Striping and signage plans
  • Streetlighting plans
  • Landscaping and irrigation enhancement plans
  • Plans consistent with Ramona Boulevard standards
  • Design for Class II bike path between Durfee Ave. & Valley Blvd.