Confidential Southern California Utility Provider Stormwater Permitting and SWPPP Services

CWE is assisting a Southern California confidential utility provider with Stormwater Permitting and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) services.  CWE is developing general construction SWPPPs for both linear and traditional projects pursuant to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction General Permits (CGPs).  Types of projects include electrical overhead to underground conversions, new substations, substation rehabilitations, fire risk management (wood to steel), medium- and high-pressure gas line relocation, electrical transmission line modification, and rail corridor utility relocation.  Tasks include: conducting risk analyses; performing pre-construction field surveys; preparing, submitting, and revising Permit Registration Documents (PRDs); and uploading PRDs into the Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS).  Additional tasks include: Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and daily/weekly onsite inspections, project-specific training, monitoring and inspection for CGP compliance and Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation and effectiveness using the BMP Inspection Form, water quality sampling, field recordkeeping, water quality technical report and water pollution control plan preparation, supervising BMP installation and maintenance, and sampling and field testing.

Project Tasks

General construction SWPPPs for linear and traditional projects
Risk analyses
Pre-construction field surveys
Permit Registration Documents (PRDs)
SMARTS uploading
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
Daily/weekly onsite inspections
Project-specific training
CGP compliance monitoring and inspection
BMP implementation and effectiveness monitoring
BMP Inspection Form usage
Water quality sampling
Field recordkeeping maintenance
Water quality technical reports and water pollution control plans preparation
BMP installation and maintenance supervision
Sampling and field testing.