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Steve Bell

Project Manager


Steven Bell is a professional civil engineer with a specialization in water resource engineering. He has 18 years of professional experience performing hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, flood mapping and drainage reports. He has prepared reports on behalf of private, state, local, and tribal clients in order to achieve compliance with regulations. In addition, Steven has developed plans for reconstruction of roadways and stormwater conveyance facilities for several municipalities in Oklahoma.

Steven Bell has 17 years of specialized experience in civil design, project management and technical advising, and water resources engineering. He has been certified as a Professional Engineer since 2011; an Envision™ Sustainability Professional since 2019, which establishes dedication to higher performance through more sustainable choices in infrastructure development; a Certified Floodplain Manager since 2019; and Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Developer (QSD) in California since 2017. Steven is well-versed in numerous hydrologic, hydraulic, sediment transport, distribution, and water quality models including, but not limited to EPA-SWMM, EPANET, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HEC-SSP, MODRAT, XP-SWMM, and XP-WSPG. He has also developed his own stormwater modeling and basin routing tools using mass balance and spreadsheet models to better inform clients about the movement of water through their basins and drains. This versatility in modeling software has been a valuable asset in calculating flows for storm drains, water mains, and pipelines; installing water well pumps, mechanical piping, and electrical controls; improving catch basins, curbs, gutters; designing diversion systems, green streets, medians, and parks with multi-benefit enhancements; measuring water quality volumes and pollutants for creeks, basins, and channels; mapping floodplains and floodways; and performing erosion control and flooding mitigation.

Steven’s track record of providing comprehensive and advanced civil engineering services over the past decade has strongly benefitted communities recovering from disaster. After a devastating tornado demolished the Plaza Towers Elementary School in the City of Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, 2013, the City implemented a plan to restore and enhance the neighborhoods hardest hit by the disaster, with an eye toward enhancing mobility and access. One project involved the construction of a new bridge across a stream in a location that would allow children from west of the stream to safely walk to the rebuilt school east of the stream. Steven served as the Hydraulic Analysis Lead for the bridge project to ensure the structure was appropriately designed to safely convey flood flows. He conducted hydrologic analyses of the existing watershed area, modeled the existing and proposed realigned stream using HEC-RAS modeling, determined the design of the bridge, and mapping the extent of flooding. Steven’s impactful work helped the Infrastructure Recovery and Implementation Plan receive the 2016 Oklahoma American Planning Association Outstanding Public Project Award.