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Nan Jia

Project Manager


Nan Jia has six years of experience in technical report writing, database management, water quality monitoring, and water quality data analysis. Her duties have included preparing compliance documents, including: SWPPPs, Exceedance Response Action Plans, and MS4 Program Effectiveness Assessment Annual Reports; assisting municipalities to develop inspection programs and conducting over 600 I/C inspections; conducting CGP inspections for linear projects under the supervision of a QSP; performing water sampling for various watershed groups and construction projects; compiling and reviewing data on SMARTS, preparing water quality monitoring data into CEDEN format, and using Excel to conduct statistical data analysis; and leading water quality studies, such as pollutant load analysis for runoff diversion project and BMP effectiveness studies for green street projects. Additionally, Nan has provided support to Cantonese-speaking facility owners and operators so the regulations and requirements of federal and state-mandated permits are not lost in translation.