City of Los Angeles BOE TOS-13 Taylor Yard G2 Parcel

The City of Los Angeles is restoring a portion of the Los Angeles River at the Taylor Yard G2 Parcel.  The project involves development of project concepts for the old rail yard, a feasibility assessment of alternatives, and design of the preferred alternative for river restoration, habitat improvement, additional passive recreation, stormwater quality improvements, and flood mitigation.  CWE is providing analysis of water quality and supply for the Taylor Yard G2 Parcel Los Angeles River Sustainability Program.  The analysis will serve multiple purposes which include:  supporting scope decision making and internal design as well as developing information to support grant applications.  The analysis determines stormwater runoff quality, volume, and pollutant loads.  The study also evaluates opportunities and constraints for improving tributary inflows to help achieve water quality objectives in the Los Angeles River.  Tasks include: developing screening criteria using key California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) thresholds, identifying opportunities and constraints, providing water quality management recommendations based on the project site evaluation and identified treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs), and assessment of existing conditions for the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) layer.  Additional tasks include: preliminary evaluation of flood hazard mitigation, floodplain restoration, and natural systems analysis, meeting attendance for the development of presentation materials, and memorandum preparation.

Project Tasks

Concept development for old rail yard
Feasibility assessment of alternatives
Design of preferred alternative for
River restoration
Habitat improvement
Passive recreation
Stormwater quality improvements
Flood mitigation
Water quality and supply analysis for Taylor Yard G2 Parcel Los Angeles River Sustainability Program
Stormwater runoff quality, volume, and pollutant load determination
Opportunities and constraints for
Improving tributary inflows
Achieving water quality objectives in Los Angeles River
Development of screening criteria using key CEQA thresholds
Water quality management recommendations
Assessment of existing conditions for GIS layer development
Preliminary evaluation of
Flood hazard mitigation
Floodplain restoration
Natural systems analysis
Meeting attendance for development of presentation materials
Memorandum preparation