City of Culver City Mesmer Low Flow Diversion

CWE designed a low flow diversion in the City of Culver City as part of the Time Schedule Order (TSO) associated with the Ballona Creek Bacteria TMDL.  The project involved an in-stream diversion from Centinela Creek, which conveys flows to a 1-million-gallons-per-day pump station.  The pump station discharges flow into the Mesmer sewage lift station and ultimately to Hyperion Treatment Plant for treatment.  This water quality project reduces discharges to Ballona Creek and assists in complying with local TMDLs.  CWE performed a pump analysis to verify the sewer pump station would not be impacted due to the diversion of low flows.  CWE assisted the City in the obtainment of a Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) connection permit, and Section 408 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), which involved the development of a 2-dimensional HEC-RAS model of the existing and proposed conditions.  Tasks included developing civil design PS&Es; performing mechanical design of diversion structures; developing permit applications; performing pump analysis; developing hydraulic models; and construction support services, including Requests for Information (RFI) responses and submittal reviews.

Project Tasks

  • Civil design PS&Es for the low flow diversion project
  • Mechanical design of diversion structures
  • Permit applications including:
    • Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) connection permit
    • Section 408 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • Pump analysis to verify the sewer pump station would not be impacted due to the diversion of low flows
  • Hydraulic models
  • Construction support services