City of Alhambra Valley Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements

CWE is assisting the City of Alhambra with correcting ADA compliance issues and improving pedestrian circulation along Valley Boulevard between 9th Street and Garfield Avenue.  The Valley Boulevard corridor has several local businesses that serve the surrounding neighborhood and provides a thoroughfare for residents to shop, eat, and do business.  In addition, the Metro bus line and Alhambra Community Transit (ACT) are located along Valley Boulevard and connect passengers to the local shopping centers, parks, and schools.  CWE is improving the pedestrian operational deficiencies by constructing, reconstructing or modifying curb ramps, sidewalk, pedestrian push buttons, crossing beacons, pedestrian countdown signals, crosswalks, driveways and bus stop improvements.  Tasks include project management and a kickoff meeting to ensure scope objectives are met on time and within budget, utility notifications, records research and field review for ADA accessibility and compliance, topographic survey, and preparing PS&Es.

Project Tasks

  • Project management
  • Utility notifications
  • Records research and field review
  • Topographic survey
  • PS&Es
  • Constructing, reconstructing, or modifying:
    • Curb ramps
    • Sidewalks
    • Pedestrian push buttons
    • Crossing beacons
    • Pedestrian countdown signals
    • Crosswalks
    • Driveways
    • Bus stop improvements