CWE is providing planning, environmental, and engineering design services for the Southwest Premier Properties (SPP), LLC Central Freight Lines (CFL) Logistics Terminal located on the northeast corner of Harvill and Placentia Avenues in Mead Valley. The project includes a 74,000 square foot loading dock, a 5,000 square foot two story office building, design of 1,924 feet of storm drains (over 1,000 feet of which will be transferred to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District [RCFCWCD]), design of onsite wet utility connections, parking for over 650 vehicles/trucks/trailers, and a bioretention basin with a total volume of over 5 acre-feet. Design tasks include: preliminary and final drainage studies, Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs), design plans (grading, wet utilities, storm drain, street improvement, landscape, etc.), parcel merger, and submittal packages to various Riverside County departments and RCFCWCD. Environmental tasks include: environmental documentation, biological assessment, cultural resources assessment, air quality and greenhouse gas impact study, Initial Study (IS), Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP).